Saturday, August 15, 2009

Long Week Ahead

*I have edited and re-edited this post numerous times. I just can't seem to get my thoughts down. You have been forewarned...*

We found out yesterday that Trevor's Grandpa Mac has been given a week to live. We are both really at peace about this. Grandpa Mac became a Christian a year ago. I am just praying the rest of Trevor's family will have strength and peace about this. I have never been a prayer warrior... I'll honestly admit that and I truly want to improve.
I am the type that has to have everything organized, planned and prepared. This is a situation where I have to completely turn it over to God. Despite having a peace, I want to "fix" things. So whenever I want to organize, plan, or prepare, I have been praying for His will not my own. I'm definitely challenging myself on this one.

We start school on Monday and we both work Monday - Friday. My class load is somewhat heavy this semester (17 hours) but in the spring it will be so light that I will have to take some extra easy courses in order to stay full time.
Here's my schedule: (not that anyone other than my mom cares haha)
Monday & Wednesday
8-11am Architectural Design 1 - Mr. Cockrell
12-2:50pm Advanced CAD - Mr. Cockrell
Tuesday & Thursday
9-11:30am Mapping & Topography - Mr. Lewis
1-3pm Cost Estimating - Mr. Cockrell
8-12 Machine Drafting - Mr. Cockrell

I had Mr. Lewis last semester but I have never had Mr. Cockrell before. I'm not going to lie - I am slight nervous about having a new teacher for 4 classes. Should an be interesting. :)

Have a blessed Sunday!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

The Duggar episode is next Tuesday!