Saturday, October 9, 2010

The new blog!

It is up and supposed to be private. It is still in the works. If you still can't see it, leave a comment with your blogger e-mail address so I can send you an invite. Eventually it won't be private but for now I need it to be.

HELP for my new blog

I have my new blog but since it has been so long and blogger has completely changed everything around on me, I am so lost as far as the design. I am not able to pay anyone right now but if any of you design savvy people could help me out, I would appreciate it SO much. Right now I just have a template that I am using for the background and header. The background is chopping itself up and the header is off to one side. Yes, I am having some MAJOR issues. ;)

Friday, October 8, 2010


So much has changed in the last few months and I don't even know where to begin.
I have not posted because of several reasons. I always want to use discernment and discretion in what I post. I love the blogging world but there are many things that DO NOT need to be put on on the world wide web for anyone and their mother to read.
Some of my few readers may know what is going on with me but for the rest of you, just know that I am OK. I have gone through the storm and come out on the other side, much healthier, happier and safer than I have felt in a long time. While some may be overly willing to share their opinion on my personal life, just know that I have made the best decision for myself spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I have an absolute peace about my decision but the road to healing is long and bumpy. It's going to be an interesting ride but I am game for this road trip.
I will be coming out with a new blog and most likely will be making it private to start out with. If you would like to read it, just leave a comment and let me know.